eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads
Gruk.org's eMule/eDonkey Serverlist Gruk.org's eMule/eDonkey Serverlist Serverlist last update: 03/02/2020 - 08:42 Add to emule Do you want to see this list in your language ? Contact me (corpo(at)gruk.org) Safe Serverlist server.met - for eMule eDonkey !NO FAKE! As soon as eMule connects to server, it offers many intelligent features such as exchanging source information between clients or automatic update of known servers. With every connection you get an ID (identification), which lets other servers recognize you. Server - eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage
Apr 14, 2014
Have a look at Emule Plus image collection or see related: Emule Plus 1.2e Free Download from 2020 and Emule Plus Server List from 2020. by Lucian Audelhuk More
Server - eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage
eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads How often do I have to update the server list? During sessions or if you use eMule regularly there is no need to update the server list as eMule's default settings (Options -> Servers -> Update serverlist when connecting to a server and -> Update serverlist when a client connects) will ensure that it stays updated. server.met - nodes.dat - Datei - File - eMule eMule -> Options / Optionen -> Server: untick / deaktiviere: update serverlist when connecting to a server / Server-Addressen vom verbundenen Server beziehen ; update serverlist when a client connects / Server-Addressen von verbundenen Clients beziehen ; apply settings / Einstellungen übernehmen